Pollutant Release and Transfer Register - Turkey (PRTR-Turkey)
Pollutant Release and Transfer Register - Turkey (PRTR-Turkey)

Activity 2.7 - Training on Results

08 April 2019
Activity 2.7 - Training on Results
Activity 2.7 - Training on Results
Activity 2.7 - Training on Results

Under Activity 2.7 of the Project, “Training on Results” were conducted in Ankara on 28 March 2019. Project activity results, draft Bylaw on PRTR, PRTR Inventory and Reporting Software were presented during the training.

Presentations during the training are given below.

  1. PRTR Turkey Introduction (Bülent Kadıoğlu)
  2. Project Activity Outcomes (Scott Crossett)
  3. Turkey PRTR Legislations and  Responsibilities of Stakeholders (Norman Sheridan) 
  4. Guidelines for Implementation of the PRTR Turkey (Scott Crossett)
  5. PRTR Turkey Inventory and Reporting Software (Bülent Kadıoğlu)
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