The tasks and activities to be carried out under this contract are aimed at producing the specified results. The Contractor should establish in detail how they would address all of these activities in their proposed organization and methodology.
All tasks and activities shall be carried out in close co-operation with the Beneficiary.
Activity 1 : Design of E-PRTR compatible System
Activity 1.1: Current situation analysis and transposition needs in National Legislation and the implementation in the framework of proposals by also using benchmarking with legal frameworks of different EU Members States and analysis of the responsibilities that may arise from the potential ratification by Turkey to the UNECE Protocol
Deliverables: Summarising Report on legislation gap analysis and transposition needs
Summarising Report on implementation needs and recommendation including Member States’ legal benchmarks
Summarising Report on institutional liabilities pursuing the ratification of the Kiev protocol.
Activity 1.2: Meetings for the coordination establishment of all related divisions and the provincial directorates of MoEU and all stakeholders for inventory and reporting system and Development of coordination procedures and identification of all responsibilities and competences in E-PRTR System
The meetings will be organised in a 5 star hotel in Ankara with 180 participants in total.
A maximum of 140 participants is expected from outside the training location, for whom the cost of accommodation, travel and meal shall be covered.
Four 2-day meeting will be organized with the participation of above mentioned stakeholders. (Allocation of the participants may change)
Duration of meetings | Number of participants | |
Meeting 1 (Division of MoEU) | 2 Days | 40 |
Meeting 2 and 3 (Provincial Directorates of MoEU) | 2 Days each (Total 4 days) | 50 each (Total 100) |
Meeting 4 (Other stakeholders) | 2 Days | 40 |
Deliverables: Coordination structures-organisational chart Coordination procedures Organisational and Operational Rules
Activity 1.3: Needs assessment for the inventory database, national E-PRTR server and webbased software structure
Deliverables: Report on needs assessment/ software requirements
Activity 1.4: Preparation of draft legislation proposals for transposition of the ECRegulation No166/2006
Deliverables: Draft of by-law transposing EC Regulation No 166/2006
Activity 1.5: Preparation of Regulatory Impact Analysis on the implementation of E-PRTR legislation
Deliverables: Regulatory Impact Analysis Report including cost-benefit analysis,break evenanalysis and multi-criteriaanalysis.
Activity 1.6: Presenting draft legislation to stakeholders and related institutions for evaluation and preparation of final version
Deliverables: Final draft by-law
Activity 1.7: Preparation of strategy document to implement the draft national E-PRTR legislation
Deliverables: Strategy document for implementing the legislation on national E-PRTR
Activity 1.8: Establishment of inventory database compatible to the E-PRTR web based software that ensures data entry, storage and processing (owner of the database, software and equipment will be the MoEU) and establishment of an automatic mechanism for input of the definitions of the facilities from the inventory to the web based software and formation of their accounts on the software.
This activity will rely on Activity 1.3 results.
• Architecture of database
• Software for data entry, storage and processing, and data entry dictionary
• Interface software for operators/institutions that feeds the inventory
• Software for checking completeness of data.
Activity 1.9: Inventory data input to the electronic database and development and testing of the query system of the inventory.
• Design reporting format and instructions
• Software for checking consistency of data
• Software for checking reliability (credibility) of data
• Query system testing and test case report
• Electronic National E-PRTR Inventory
Activity 1.10: Preparation of National E-PRTR Inventory Report.
Deliverables: National E-PRTR Inventory Report
Activity 1.11: Establishment of a web based software (E-PRTR Reporting Software) which is convenient for reporting to EU and publishing to public (Owner of the software and equipment will be the MoEU)
This activity will rely on Activity 1.3 results.
Deliverables: Web based E-PRTR Reporting Software Report on compatibility tests E-PRTR
Software for the validation of the type of pollutants, the codes for industrial sectors, the geographical coordinates and the format of the data
Activity 1.12: Establishment of a query system, development of GIS interface and testing of E-PRTR software
• Procedures for database management
• Procedure for error correction
• Procedures for reviewing confidentiality claims GIS interface software
• Establishment and testing of query system and test case report
• Report on testing results of E-PRTR software
Activity 1.13: Determination of two pilot installations from each of nine industrial sectors of E-PRTR Regulation Annex-I (total number of 18 pilot installations)
• List of selection relevance criteria
• List of pilot installations
Activity 1.14: Determination of pollutants to be reported by pilot installations according to E-PRTR Regulation Annex-2
Deliverables: Report on facility assessment methodology List of selected pollutants
Activity 1.15: First reports collection from the pilot installations and analysis of the system deficiencies
• Reporting documents from the pilot installations
• Report on system deficiencies and recommendations for improvement of the system by the Contractor.
Input from the Beneficiary
The Beneficiary will ensure that designated staff will facilitate the data collection through the means of correspondence of/with the 18 selected operators from the 18 pilot installations, and when required by inspection and checks, according to a time table agreed with the Contractor.
Activity 1.16: Site visits
Site visits can be performed in order to determine pilot installations for Activity 1.13 or pollutants to be reported for Activity 1.14 or to analyse system deficiencies for Activity 1.15. Each pilot installation will be visited maximum twice for a maximum two-day visit with a maximum 5 participants for each visit from E-PRTR division of MoEU (Ankara). At least 1 person from the Technical Assistance Team will accompany to the participants for field visits. Travel and full board accommodation costs of site visits for maximum 5 participants for each visit from E-PRTR division of MoEU will be covered by the Contractor.
Activity 2: Institutional capacity strengthening
Activity 2.1: Conducting institutional and technical training needs assessment studies
Deliverables: Training needs assessment study
Activity 2.2: Training meetings to discuss on the project topics and E-PRTR Regulation and reporting system with all stakeholders to have the early and effective public participation while designing the E-PRTR System.
The training will be organised in a 5 star hotel in Ankara.
A maximum of 200 participants is expected from outside the training location, for whom the cost of accommodation, travel and meal shall be covered
Two 1-day meeting will be organized with the participation of above mentioned stakeholders. (Allocation of the participants maychange)
Number of participants from MoEU | Number of participants from DG Provinces | Number of participants from Industries and NGOs | Total number of participants | |
Meeting 1 | 10 | 81 | 21 | 112 |
Meeting 2 | 10 | 81 | 21 | 112 |
Output: Two 1-day training meetings with total 224 participants. Training Report
Activity 2.3: Training on Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA) methodology and conduction of RIA on the implementing of E-PRTR legislation
The training will be organised in a 5 star hotel in Ankara.
Output: One 5-days training on RIA with MoEU staff - 20 participants
Deliverables: Training Report
Activity 2.4: Two study visits (5 days for each) to analyse the institutional and technical requirements of E-PRTR systems which are used in different EU Member States (the destination for one of the study visits should be one of the following countries: Spain, Germany, France, Netherlands. The Contractor is free to propose a different EU Member State for the other one and justification for the selected country should be explained in the Organization and Methodology.)
Outputs: 2 study visits(5 days for each study visits)in two EU Member States
1O technical staff trained in each study visit.
Deliverables: Study visit Report
Activity 2.5: Two technical Staff from the E-PRTR responsible division will be trained to be coordinator trainers on calculation, estimation and measurement methods of E-PRTR through a one month traineeship in a Member State’s institution including private companies which is responsible for the implementation of E-PRTR. The country in which two technical staff will be trained is determined by the MoEU.
Output: 2 technical staff trained as coordinator of trainers
Deliverables: Training Reports
Activity 2.6: Training of Trainers on E-PRTR Regulation, reporting system and implementations (15 days training for 20 persons (6 technical staff from the E-PRTR responsible division of MoEU, 10 representatives from the industry associations, and 4 representatives from NGOs).
The cost of accommodation,travel and meal shall be covered by the Contractor for a maximum of 14 participants expected from outside the city where training will be organised.
The training location will be provided by the Contractor with the agreement of the Beneficiary.
Output: 20 people trained
Deliverables: Training Report
Activity 2.7: Training on results of E-PRTR inventory, National E-PRTR System of Turkey and the responsibilities of stakeholders.
Two 1-day trainings will be organized with the participation of above mentioned stakeholders in a 5 star hotel. (Allocation of the participants may change)
Number of participants from MoEU | Number of participants from DG Provinces | Number of participants from Industries and NGOs | Total number of participants | |
Meeting 1 | 10 | 81 | 21 | 112 |
Meeting 2 | 10 | 81 | 21 | 112 |
A maximum of 200 participants is expected from outside the training location, for which cost of accommodation, travel and meal shall be covered by the Contractor.
The training location will be provided by the Contractor with the agreement of the Beneficiary.
Output: Two 1-day training meetings with total 224 participants.
Deliverables: Training Reports
Activity 3: Awareness rising
Activity 3.1: Preparation of Project Website and a Turkish National E-PRTR website supported by GIS interface which increase the comprehensibility of data both for decision makers and public.
Deliverables: Functional website of Turkish National E-PRTR Operational procedure
Activity 3.2: Preparation of two guidelines (Guideline for data aggregation and methodologies, Guideline for estimation, calculation and measurement techniques) and different brochures prepared for awareness rising regarding the E-PRTR
• Guideline for data aggregation and methodologies (1000 copies)
• Guideline for estimation, calculation and measurement techniques (1000 copies)
• Different brochures prepared for awareness rising (1000 copies for each brochure)
Activity 3.3: Sharing experiences and E-PRTR implementation by four-day workshops and six-day seminars.
Each workshop (1-day) will be organized with participation of 30 attendants from the MoEU, DG Provincials and Industries representatives, aiming to recall on experiences gained by the pilot installations and legal obligation deriving from proposed legislation.
Workshops will be organised in different locations along the country in order to secure easiest participation. The workshops location will be determined with the agreement of the Beneficiary.
Each seminar (1-day) will be organized with participation of 40 attendants from stakeholders, aiming to secure knowledge gained during training meetings and obligations consciousness, as well as ensuring the visibility of the project and best results in achieving the PRTR completion and management sustainability.
Seminars will be organised in different locations along the country in order to secure easiest participation. The seminar locations will be determined with the agreement of the Beneficiary.
The cost of accommodation, travel and meal shall be covered for a maximum of 162 participants expected from outside the city where the workshops and seminars will be organised.
• 4 workshops (1 day long) with 30 attendants each
• 6 seminars (1 day long) with 40 attendants each.
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