Pollutant Release and Transfer Register - Turkey (PRTR-Turkey)
Pollutant Release and Transfer Register - Turkey (PRTR-Turkey)
About PRTR

PRTR is the international definition of a regularly reported inventory including the information about release of the industrial pollutants to receiving environments such as air, water and land and transfer of these pollutants for further treatment, processing etc.

What is E-PRTR?

Upon European Union signed PRTR Protocol in 2003, E-PRTR Regulation numbered 166/2006 was put into force in January 2006 to fulfill the requirements of the Protocol.

The E-PRTR Regulation includes reporting of 65 activities and 91 pollutant parameters, related releases to air, water and land, pollutant or waste transfers and diffuse sources on an annual basis.

What is the Scope of E-PRTR?

Registration System covers 9 industrial sectors:
• Energy
• Production and Processing of Metals
• Mineral Industry
• Chemical Industry
• Waste and Wastewater Management
• Paper and Wood Production and Processing
• Intensive Livestock Production and Aquaculture
• Animal and Vegetable Products from the Food and Beverage Sector
• Other Activities

In the Registration System there are data for 91 pollutants in seven different groups:
• Greenhouse Gases
• Other Gases
• Heavy Metals
• Pesticides
• Chlorinated Organic Compounds
• Other Organic Compounds
• Inorganic Compounds

E-PRTR also includes information on the releases of diffuse sources.

Center finance and contracts unit

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