Pollutant Release and Transfer Register - Turkey (PRTR-Turkey)
Pollutant Release and Transfer Register - Turkey (PRTR-Turkey)
Project Team

The project team of the Ministry of Environment and Urbanisation (The Beneficiary) for “Technical Assistance for Capacity Building on European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (E-PRTR) in Turkey “ project; funded by The European Union and Turkey, and the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization is the Beneficiary and the Central Finance and Contracts Unit is the contracting authority; is presented below.

Ercan GÜLAY Director General / Senior Programme Officer
Ahmet Talha TÜRKOĞLU Deputy Director General / Senior Programme Officer 1st Delegate
Soner OLGUN Head of Department / Senior Programme Officer 2nd Delegate
Nesrin YILMAZ ASLAN Industrial Pollution Monitoring Branch Manager


Project Coordinator

Tahsin Serkan KOCAEMRE

Project Coordinator

Nebahat YAMAN

Project Coordinator


Center finance and contracts unit

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