Pollutant Release and Transfer Register - Turkey (PRTR-Turkey)
Pollutant Release and Transfer Register - Turkey (PRTR-Turkey)

Activity 2.4- 2nd Study Tour

15 May 2018
Activity 2.4- 2nd Study Tour
Activity 2.4- 2nd Study Tour
Activity 2.4- 2nd Study Tour
Activity 2.4- 2nd Study Tour
Activity 2.4- 2nd Study Tour
Activity 2.4- 2nd Study Tour
Activity 2.4- 2nd Study Tour

The 2nd Study Tour, under Activity 2.4.1 of the Project, was held on 06-12 May 2018 in Hungary. In the light of the experiences from the 1st Study Tour, visits to facilities that are included in the Annex-1 List of the PRTR Regulation and to non-governmental organizations that use the PRTR data were held in this study tour. During the study visit, discussions were held with the following institutions, facilities, and NGOs.

  • Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture
  • MOL Refinery
  • BÁLINT ANALYTICS Engineering Research Company
  • Duna - Dráva Cement Factory.
  • Mátrai Eromu Powerplant
  • Environmental Initiatives Association
  • Hungarian Clean Air Action Group

Please click to see the agenda of the study visit.

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